Beneficios de un programa de ejercicio físico con auto-cargas y materiales reciclados sobre la composición corporal y la condición física en tercera edadestudio piloto
- Alberto Pérez-López 1
- Javier Garrido Santiago 2
- Paloma Merino 3
- Carmen Valverde Sánchez 4
- Irene Álvarez Valverde 1
- Blanza Álvarez Valverde 1
- David Muñoz López 5
- David Valadés Cerrato 5
Universidad de Alcalá
- 2 Universidad de Alcadá
- 3 Centro de Salud Lucero
Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid
- 5 Oxford University Hospital
ISSN: 1133-6366
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 413
Pages: 21-32
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD
Aims: To analyse the effectiveness of an exercise program, using body weight loads and recycled materials on body composition and physical fitness in older adults. Method: A total of twenty-three sedentary older adults took part in a prospective non-controlled study (77.9 ± 4.2 years, 74% females). All performed an exercise programme during 20 weeks (60 min, 2 days/week) in which strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination exercises were included. Before, during (10 weeks) and at the end of the exercise programme (20 weeks) it was assessed body composition (electrical bioimpedance) and physical fitness using the Senior Fitness Test battery plus manual and legs dynamometry. Results: A reduction on total body weight was observed (68.1±2.2 Vs. 67.1±2.3 kg; p=0.019), that decrease was accompanied by a diminution of lower limb (9.6±0.7 Vs. 9.2±0.8 kg; p=0.024) and trunk fat mass (13.3±0.6 Vs. 12.4±0.7 kg; p=0.015), and also an increase in lean body mass of the lower limb (14.6±0.6 Vs. 14.9±0.6 kg; p=0.023). Moreover, it was found a significant improvement in strength, endurance and velocity after the 10 and 20 weeks of training (p<0.05). Conclusion: The exercise programme seems to be enough stimuli to cause a reduction on fat mass in the lower limb and the truck, an increase in lean body mass of the lower limbs, as well as an improvement in endurance, strength and power fitness in a population of older adults. Practical Application: Exercise is an effective and affordable tool in aging that it should be promoted as primary care for this population.
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