La iconografía del Monasterio de El EscorialTradición e innovación en cuatro siglos de imágenes impresas

  1. Chías Navarro, Pilar
EGA: revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica

ISSN: 1133-6137

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Conversando con... JEAN NOUVEL

Volume: 21

Issue: 28

Pages: 32-43

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4995/EGA.2016.6046 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: EGA: revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica


The Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial focused the interest along more than four centuries as an outstandig Spanish monument. This interest produced an interesting set of images and texts, that still are not widely known. This research focuses on the way these images of the Monastery and the ideas they symbolized were transmitted, both in subjective and objective contexts. The main target is the study of all kind of printed images that were either diffused as individual sheets, or included in factice atlases, and even inserted as illustrations into the texts. They are artworks in books that were translated to the main european languages, now preserved in the main libraries and archives in the world. Sometimes is easy to discover the connections between images that were copied or reinterpreted, but frequently these relationships are not so evident, or images are just new and have no precedent. Styles and tendencies, different engraving and printing techniques, objectivity and subjectivity shaped up an outstanding iconographic heritage. 

Bibliographic References

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