Apuntes sobre la incardinación del pensamiento teatral de Cervantes en la dramática clasicista

  1. Manuel Pérez Jiménez
Lemir: Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento

ISSN: 1579-735X

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 20

Pages: 577-610

Type: Article

More publications in: Lemir: Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento


The object of the present study is constituted by Cervantes’ theatrical ideas, that are set out here in relation with the classicist theory of drama whose possible autonomous entity is also investigated in this study. The systematization of Cervantine theatrical thought is carried out through those passages which, in the writings of our author, contain any way of conceptualization in relation to the «being» of drama or to any of its aspects. This systematization is here presented in the same order in which the Poetics of Aristotle is considered to be reproduced in the great treaties of classic poetics. Along with those passages, this article also includes explanatory and contextualizing comments, as well as a set of references to the critical judgments and interpretations related to the content of the work.