Desarrollo y explotación del "Corpus de Documentos Españoles Anteriores a 1700" (CODEA)

  1. Sánchez-Prieto Borja, Pedro
Scriptum digital: revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en llengües iberoromàniques

ISSN: 2014-640X

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 5-35

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Scriptum digital: revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en llengües iberoromàniques


This paper aims to present the current status of the "Corpus de Documentos Españoles Anteriores a 1700" (CODEA, prepared by the "Grupo de Investigación de Textos para la Historia del Español" (GITHE) of the University of Alcalá. CODEA offers 1500 documents from different archives produced in all of the non-bilingual peninsular provinces of Spain, spanning from the 12th to the 17th centuries. The triple presentation (facsimile, paleographic transcription and edition with normalized spelling) facilitates its use in various disciplines, from palaeography to historical syntax. In the paper we also present further developments that will be available in the near future, such as the possibility of conducting searches by lemmata, the presentation of results in statistical graphs, and the display of maps with the geographical distribution of the forms in the search results. Likewise the paper illustrates with various examples the potential of these developments for different types of linguistic analyses (spelling and phonetics, syntax and lexical studies). The most distinctive feature of CODEA is to be a "primary" corpus in which the authors provide the texts and are fully responsible for their editorial process.