Percepción del maltrato entre iguales en educación infantil y primaria
- Pedro Miguel González Moreno 1
- Héctor Gutierrez Rodríguez 2
- Mirian Checa Romero 1
Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 377
Pages: 136-160
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
Bullying is one of the most important research topics in the field of education due to its negative impact on the school¿s general atmosphere and therefore on the wellbeing of the different members involved in education, especially the victims. Our knowledge has progressed a great deal about different issues related to this phenomenon, such as, types of aggression according to age and gender, roles involved, intervention, etc. However, there is a lack of research, on the one hand, that analyses the mental representations of those involved in this kind of peer conflicts and, on the other, focused on bullying during the preschool years and during first two courses of primary education. In this research we have interviewed, with the help of a group of cartoons which represents a classic bullying story, 120 subjects -60 girls and 60 boys- from 3rd grade of preschool education up to 3rd grade of primary education, in order to analyse their meanings in relation with this peer conflicts. Results show these subjects are able to identify the key features of bullying, most think aggressors feel proud of themselves and the victims ashamed. Likewise, the majority of students interviewed believe both parts involved, aggressors and victims alike, sort out their differences and become friends. These findings are very similar to those obtained with teenager samples which, together with other similarities found with these older samples, bring us to name these early bullying manifestations as proto-behaviours of bullying in contrast to other terms used, such as, unjustified aggression. This prior term attempts to emphasise the idea that there is continuity between the bullying behaviours observed during secondary education and those detected during preschool years and the first two courses of primary education.
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