Las Fuentes de Conocimiento Utilizadas por los Monitores de Actividad Física y Deporte Españoles

  1. Beatriz Bernabé
  2. Antonio Campos-Izquierdo
  3. María Dolores González-Rivera
Revista de educación física: Renovar la teoría y practica

ISSN: 1133-0546

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 147

Pages: 3-9

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación física: Renovar la teoría y practica


The purpose of this study is to identify the sources of knowledge used by Spanish sport and physical activity instructors and to interrelate and compare them with their level of education and work experience. The standardized interview questionnaire “PROAFIDE: Sport and physical activity human resources” was used and it was applied to 600 sport and physical activity instructors from Spain. It analyse the situation and performance of the people working in functions of sport and physical activity. Key results revealed that sport and physical activity instructors reported preferred sources of knowledge associated with formal and informal learning. The source of knowledge they used most was the courses received. The following most important sources of knowledge were interacting with other professionals and observing other professionals. Sport and physical activity instructors holding higher levels of education reported using more often the training of the higher-level qualifications, the courses received, books, scientific or technical journals, their own research and technological resources or the Internet. In addition, those with ten years of experience or more used the courses received the most.

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