Enero caballero, todo malo o todo buenoEl retrato de enero en el refranero románico

  1. Xosé Alfonso Álvarez Pérez

ISSN: 2172-1068

Ano de publicación: 2016

Número: 25

Páxinas: 161-169

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Paremia


This paper examines the weather description of January in Romance proverbs; it also presents a brief description of other months’ characterisation. The systematic analysis of a corpora of more than 1300 records allows individuating the prevailing thematic cores for each month. The classification process of proverbs delimitates several paremic types, abstract entities that gather all proverbs with the same semanticactantial structure, regardless of their linguistic variety and the existence of lexical or syntactic variants. It is a priority of this paper to analyse the spatial distribution of proverbs, within the geoparemiologic approach developed in the framework of the project Paremiología romance: refranes meteorológicos y territorio. To this respect, the results of our analysis demonstrate the existence of paremic areas, territories where a given type concentrates