Las Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRIs) y su competencia sobre las Empresas de Base Tecnológica (EBTs) en España

  1. Nieto González, Jesús 1
  2. Crecente Romero, Fernando J. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


International Journal of Information Systems and Software Engineering for Big Companies: IJISEBC

ISSN: 2387-0184

Année de publication: 2018

Volumen: 5

Número: 2

Pages: 63-71

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: International Journal of Information Systems and Software Engineering for Big Companies: IJISEBC


This work defines the competences of the Offices of Transfer of Research Results (Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación) from the Spanish universities towards the creation and support of Technological Bases Companies (Empresas de Base tecnológica- EBT). The analysis method is developed through suverys launched on the one hand to the OTRIs and another to the EBTs. On the one hand, the different advisory and training functions carried out by the OTRIs in the relationship with the EBTs are analyzed, especially the environmental aspects, the problems, the rules, legal terms, use of resources ant tools. The analysis emerges from the existence of a direct relationship between the survival of the companies advised and the type of contractual relationship with the OTRI. On the other hand, we have a feedback about the OTRIs from the EBTs

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