De la automatización de la traducción y los lenguajes especializadosapuntes

  1. M. Carmen Valero Garcés 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


Encuentro: revista de investigación e innovación en la clase de idiomas

ISSN: 1989-0796

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 27

Pages: 220-232

Type: Article

More publications in: Encuentro: revista de investigación e innovación en la clase de idiomas


Technology and translation are closely linked through the rapid development of CAT tools, machine translation (MT) and artificial intelligence (AI). These elements are undoubtedly leading to a redefinition of the traditional concept of "translation" and of the translator's role(s). Specialized languages are essential in this development as they that are the testing platform in its overwhelming expansion. Behind this process, there are translators, linguists, engineers, terminologists, web designers, programmers and so on. An endless list of professionals whose limits of their activity are no longer clear. Thus, new profiles or adaptations of the existing ones arise to cover the new demands and market needs. The aim of this article is to analyze some of these new challenges and their consequences on the basis of studies on the training of translators, expert reports on the development of MT and the results of market studies.

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