Las especies del género Praealveolinauna herramienta para datar las plataformas carbonatadas del Cenomaniense

  1. A. Calogne
  2. E. Caus
  3. J.M. Bernaus
  4. M. Aguilar
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: XIV Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, IV Congreso del Cretácico de España

Issue: 3

Pages: 101-104

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)


The comparison of superposed praealveolinid assemblages from the well exposed outcrops in the Iberian Range and the Pyrenees with Praealveolina species from the type localities in the Reichel's collection have allowed us to evaluate the stratigraphical range of each species. The species: Praealveolina iberica, P. pennensis and P debilis successively replace each other from Early to Mid Cenomanian. Praealveolina brevis and P. tenuis appear successively during the Upper Cretaceous, but the range of P. tenuis may overlap with the area of P. brevis in the Early Upper Cenomanian.