Sedimentología de la sucesión carbonatada del Cretácico en el borde sur del Sistema Central (Madrid)

  1. J.F. García Hidalgo
  2. J. Gil
  3. M. Segura
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Ano de publicación: 2001

Título do exemplar: XIV Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, IV Congreso del Cretácico de España

Número: 3

Páxinas: 193-196

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geotemas (Madrid)


Carbonate Cretaceous succession at the south of the Central System form a transgressive-regressive cycle composed of five depositional sequences with an upper Turonian-Campanian age. The Alcorlo-Tranquera Sequence is formed by two facies associations, at the base a shoreface - coastal association and an inner carbonate platform association at the top. The Hortezuelos sequence is composed o f an alternation o f carbonates and marls; three facies associations can be recognised, an external platform and an inner platform-lagoon in the carbonates and a lagoon - coastal association in the marls. The base of the Hontoria sequence is strongly erosive on the underlying sequence; it can be divided into a lower, terrigenous - rich, high energy member with three facies associations (foreshore-coastal, high energy subtidal and platform bars) and a upper, carbonaterich, low energy member with other three facies associations (inner platform, external platform and an inner platform-coastal). The base of the Burgo de Osma sequence is a disconformity on the underlying sequence, partially eroding in the study area the marly units at the top of the Hortezuelos sequence; it is formed exclusively by an inner platform facies association. Finally; the Valle de Tabladillo sequence is the local top of the carbonate Cretaceous succession cropping out in very concrete points of the region; it is composed of two facies associations an inner platform-coastal association (at the base) and a sebkha association (at the top).