Burlando a los censores en el siglo XXI

  1. Echauri Galván, Bruno 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá, (Espanya)
Quaderns: Revista de traducció

ISSN: 1138-5790

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 27

Pages: 169-186

Type: Article

More publications in: Quaderns: Revista de traducció


The present paper describes a teaching experience based on two different literary fragments: firstly, an excerpt retrieved from Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift (1726/1892) and, secondly, a passage from 1984, the famous novel written by George Orwell (1949/1979). The rewriting of the former paves the way and serves as testing ground for the core of this pedagogical activity, focused on translating and rewriting Orwell's dystopia. This initiative, which also blends creativity and critical thinking, seeks to cement several theoretical grounds related to the concept of rewriting and the censorship processes occurred during Franco's dictatorship. With its completion, it is expected that students will learn to recognize the differences between translating and rewriting and to apply different translation procedures traditionally associated to book censorship, such as amplification or various types of modifications. In addition, implementing this sort of activity in the syllabus of the subject Fundamentos de la Traducción can help reach some of the general and specific objectives of the module while it may boost students' motivation and liven up the teaching and learning experience.

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