Dual Labour Markets Revisited

  1. Samuel Bentolila 1
  2. Juan J. Dolado 2
  3. Juan F. Jimeno 3
  1. 1 CEMFI
  2. 2 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03ths8210

  3. 3 Banco de España

    Banco de España

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f26yq04

Documentos de Trabajo ( CEMFI )

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 2

Tipus: Document de treball


This paper provides an overview of recent research on dual labour markets. Theoretical and empirical contributions on the labour-market effects of dual employment protection legislation are revisited, as well as factors behind its resilience and policies geared towards correcting its negative economic and social consequences. The topics covered include the stepping-stone or dead-end nature of temporary contracts, their effects on employment, unemployment, churn, training, productivity growth, wages, and labour market inflows and outflows. The paper reviews both theoretical advances and relevant policy discussions on a very relevant topic in many European countries, in particular in several that had a very poor employment performance during the recent global economic and financial crisis.

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