Comentarios sobre la introducción al hash como técnica de seudonimización de datos personales de la AEPD

  1. Pablo Luis López Espí 1
  2. Rocío Sánchez Montero 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


La Ley privacidad

ISSN: 2659-8698

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: COVID-19 ¿Hacia un rediseño de la privacidad?

Issue: 5

Type: Article

More publications in: La Ley privacidad


In this work, hash functions are analysed as a pseudonymisation technique as it is proposed by AEPD. Hash functions are described and some of the most popular algorithms are also indicated. The re-identification risk is introduced and the strategies to avoid it, described by AEPD, are compared. As a conclusion, hash functions are a suitable technique for anonymization providing that the correct design of the function and data input as well as the management of the associated processes are conveniently carried out.