Análisis de la economía colaborativa en el turismo urbano. Estudio de la implantación de Airbnb en Madrid y Barcelona
- Cerdá Mansilla, Elena 1
- García Henche, Blanca 2
- Such Devesa, María Jesús 2
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 1139-7861
Año de publicación: 2021
Número: 47
Páginas: 383-412
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Cuadernos de turismo
This paper seeks to contribute to the investigation of urban management models considering the sharing economy. Adding an integrative perspective that evaluates the real impact on the territory of regulated and unregulated accommodation in cities in order to guarantee the sustainability of the long-term destinations, the tourist experience and the quality of life of the residents. The data of the hotels and tourist apartments are analyzed together with those of Airbnb. The data of the distribution of holiday dwellings offered by Airbnb were mapped out as new indicators capable of reflecting the real situation that demand and housing supply are experiencing in Madrid and Barcelona. It is understood that thanks to these indicators, tourist destinations are able to direct exchanges between collaborative economy and smart economy toward achieving the purpose of the model: making destinations sustainable.
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