Francis Bacon y la imitación del modelo colonial hispano
Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 0048-7694
Année de publication: 2021
Número: 192
Pages: 37-65
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista de estudios políticos
The thought of Francis Bacon (1561-1626) has been more closely related to empiricism, science, and utopia than to colonialism and imperialism. However, the Chancellor was always attentive to the economic, social or military transformations of his world, both because of the period in which he lived, because of his parliamentary and government responsibilities and because of his intellectual tastes. Furthermore, he did so, not with the indifferent eyes of a spectator, but with the interest of a man who was aware of the great advances that were taking place and the changes they generated, and, above all, with the determination that England was not left behind when it came to taking advantage of them. In this sense, no one in his time seems so aware of the need to look at the actions of the Spaniards, as a model with which to compete and to imitate.
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