La Formación Enfermera en la Escuela de la Cruz Roja de Madrid a Finales de los 60

  1. Mª Isabel Pascual Benito
Archivos de la Memoria

ISSN: 1699-602X

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 6

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Archivos de la Memoria


This article presents the biographical story of a nurse during her formative stage in the School of Nursing of the Red Cross in Madrid at the end of the 60s. She relates to us the importance of the Red Cross in the training of nurses, how the San Jose and Santa Adela hospital was, as well as how the study of Nursing was lived from the perspective of a pupil in the regime of a boarding school, about her work experience programme, about the nuns, about the type of patients who were being attended to in the hospital. She also refers to the different training that men and women had and how she sees her personal and professional maturity influenced by the socio-political situation of the country at the end of the decade of the 60s and beginning of the 70s.