Eficiencia económica vs. Protección laboral: análisis a partir de la cláusula social

  1. Tatsiana Ushakova
Revista Derecho Social y Empresa

ISSN: 2341-135X

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Titel der Ausgabe: Eficiencia económica y protección social

Nummer: 7

Seiten: 113-140

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Derecho Social y Empresa


This study considers the dilemma “labour protection versus economic efficiency” in light of the debate on the social clause. In this context, ILO’s and WTO’s contribution to the discussion is analyzed, typology of social clauses is studied and questions related to its application are raised. This analysis is carried out taking into account the latest trends of the current market scenario characterized, among other aspects, by the negotiation and adoption of “megaregional” agreements.