Enmarcar la frontera. Una lectura desde la práctica y la teoría feministas
Universitat de Barcelona
ISSN: 1699-7549
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakia: 19
Orrialdeak: 246-258
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofía
The aim of this paper is to present some of the elements which can establish a connection between Gloria Anzaldua’s work, especially in Borderlands / La Frontera. The New Mestiza (1987) and the “politics of frame” suggested by Nancy Fraser in Scales of Justice (2008). We ask if Anzaldua's work for re-signifying the idea of border -a physical site that demarcates who are we and who are they, might provide us with some tools to the current moral urgency to identify and determine who are the 'who' of political justice in a transnational context. What is involved here is if there are elements between both feminist theorists that allow us to open some interpretive ways about the relationship between political identity, territory, sovereignty and the State.