Aplicación de nuevos criterios diagnósticos de enfermedad celiaca en Castilla-La Mancha

  1. G. Galicia Poblet
  2. E. Balmaseda Serrano
  3. Mª del Pilar Sánchez Miranda
  4. Paloma Donado Palencia
  5. M.B. Martín Sacristán
  6. R. Solaguren Alberdi
  7. J. Torrecillas Cañas
  8. S. Cuadrado Martín
  9. I. Navarro Vázquez
  10. Gonzalo de las Casas Cámara
Acta pediátrica española

ISSN: 0001-6640

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 73

Issue: 3

Pages: 60-64

Type: Article

More publications in: Acta pediátrica española

Sustainable development goals


Objective: To study the use of the new diagnostic criteria for celiac disease in the Castilla-La Mancha region, and the characteristics of these patients. Material and methods: Prospective data were collected in 7 hospitals within a descriptive transversal study that included patients diagnosed between July 2011 and the end of December 2012. The frequency with which they met requirements for diagnosis without intestinal biopsy based on the new criteria and the monitoring thereof were analyzed. Results: A total of 158 patients (63.3% female), with a median age of 5.5 years, were included in the study. In 54.4% of these patients celiac disease related symptoms were detected. The most frequent laboratory findings were ferropenia (29.7%), anemia (8.9%) and hypertransaminasemia (5.7%). At diagnosis, 79.1% of the patients had transglutaminase antibody titers 10 times above the upper limit of the normal range, with proven positive endomysial antibodies in 49.6% of them. Of the total patients, 39.2% fulfilled the new diagnostic criteria and 32.2% undergone an intestinal biopsy for different reasons. In all these cases, grade 3 lesions according to Marsh classification for celiac disease were found. Conclusions: The introduction of the new diagnostic criteria for celiac disease could lead to a 40% reduction in endoscopic procedures for these patients in our region. The interprovince variability in the access to certain techniques, does not allow the global use of these new criteria in the studied region where histology continues to be the main available option.