Aspectos diferenciales de la nutrición en los pacientes ancianos con diabetes
ISSN: 1134-3230
Argitalpen urtea: 2010
Alea: 26
Zenbakia: 5
Orrialdeak: 307-313
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Avances en diabetología
Abstract Elderly diabetic patients are a population at risk for malnutrition, speciallyin nursing homes and hospitalised patients. They suffer more frequently macrovascular complications of diabetes like cerebrovascular disease and coronary heart disease, as well as other geriatric syndromes like dementia, depression, frailty and falls. These situations can lead to malnutrition and the need for nutritional support in general, and for enteral nutrition in particular. In this article, we show nutritional assessment and guidelines and nutritional recommendations, both for oral diet and for artificial nutrition, in the elderly patient with diabetes.