Influence of nomenclature in the interpretation of lumbar disk contour on MR imaging: A comparison of the agreement using the combined task force and the nordic nomenclatures
- Arana, E.
- Kovacs, F.M.
- Royuela, A.
- Estremera, A.
- Sarasíbar, H.
- Amengual, G.
- Galarraga, I.
- Martínez, C.
- Muriel, A.
- Abraira, V.
- Zamora, J.
- Campillo, C.
ISSN: 0195-6108, 1936-959X
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Alea: 32
Zenbakia: 6
Orrialdeak: 1143-1148
Mota: Artikulua