Experimentos intelectuales con máquinasa propósito del utilitarismo y la teoría deontológica en el análisis de las teorías de la justicia
ISSN: 1989-8754
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 26
Pages: 55-71
Type: Article
More publications in: REJIE: Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa
This paper describes a teaching innovation experience implemented in the subject Philosophy of Law, based on the content taught on utilitarianism and deontological theory. The objectives were, amongst others, to clarify the content, provide lasting learning, and prompt reflection and critical thinking in students. The actions were mainly carried out in the practical sphere, using situations depicted in film scenes in which technological advances pose various dilemmas. Students were asked to diagnose these circumstances, identify the theory or theories of justice at play in them, and take a position. This exercise gave rise to various criticisms of the theories of justice in question; the students had to verify these objections, which thus became part of the subject’s content. The results obtained were generally satisfactory, as confirmed by a subsequent student survey. The level of achievement of the defined objectives suggests that the actions should continue to be implemented in future, offering the opportunity to improve them with other aspects that could help complete the training.
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