Bodies and identities from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic in Europeiberian figurines

  1. Primitiva Bueno Ramírez
Zona arqueológica

ISSN: 1579-7384

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 23

Pages: 23-38

Type: Article

More publications in: Zona arqueológica


The Iberia provides a solid foundation for expanding the study of the erliest examples of human images, clothes and accompanied by diverse objects. Their association with the social codes in the European Neolithic and Chalcolithic adds relevant information. Powerful link between the continental plains and the Near East are compatible with the Paleolithic and Mesolithic roots of many of the objects. Likewise, they are compatible with the personality of each of the areas with the greatest population densities. Their relationship with material such as clay, the observation of female genitalia and the detail of maintenance activities that seen on the figurines, confirm that some of these figures transmitted cultural codes relates to women. However, a single hypothesis for the whole chronological and geographic repertoire, and for the different representation of gender and ages, is too limited. Any satisfying hypotheses must consider their marked multifunctionality therefore their polysemy,. The synchrony detected in the Iberian Peninsula between figurines as the most familiar formulae and the presence of decorated megalithic, rock-shelters, rock and stelae, as the most visible and social evidence, is a basic element to understand the role of the portable images. From group codes to individual representations, their use repeats social systematics expressed in other symbols in European Late Prehistory. Roots in the past were established by symbols recuperated from old ancestors, which were enriched by diverse raw materials (including ivory and gold). They became support for the power of emerging lineages related to new leaders.