El Dios Luna Iah en la religión y política egipcias

  1. García Fernández, M. Gudelia
Dirigida por:
  1. José Manuel Galán Allué Director/a
  2. Gloria Mora Rodríguez Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 de septiembre de 2017

  1. José Miguel Serrano Delgado Presidente/a
  2. Andrés Diego Espinel Secretario/a
  3. Francisco Luis Borrego Gallardo Vocal
  4. Antonio Javier Morales Rondán Vocal
  5. Rolf Krauss Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


In the framework of a religion of notorious solar character as the ancient Egyptian religion, the moon god Iah (IaH) is overshadowed by the solar doctrine. Iah is a secondary divinity rarely mentioned in the religious corpora. It has been documented his own temple and priesthood in the Memphite area. However, in the Second Intermediate Period and at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty some of the royal and elite personal names are composed of Iah, as Iahmes. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of the moon god Iah in the Egyptian religion and his influence on the society from the Old Kingdom to the early New Kingdom. This study will examine the recitations in the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead where the deity is mentioned. Also, it will analyze his repercussion on the social sphere through the evidence in the Anthroponomy. The moon in ancient Egypt adopted a dual role: as a masculine divinity, he had a prominence soared at night during the nightlife and funerary coffins and was bound to a monthly renascence cycle; as a celestial body, its different phases were associated with certain lunar festivals well documented in the funerary private inscriptions. In addition, the moon did not remain unaltered; instead, his features were adapted to the religious needs of each period. Based on the analysis of the texts, it is revealed the theological essence of the moon god Iah and his main functions in a nocturnal religious context closely related to the renaissance of the deceased.