Importancia de la capacidad funcional en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica avanzada (ERCA) y la relación con el binomio nutrición-inflamación

  1. Nogueira Pérez, Angel
Dirigée par:
  1. Guillermina Barril Cuadrado Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 16 décembre 2021

  1. Viviana Loria Kohen President
  2. Patricia de Sequera Secrétaire
  3. María del Mar Ruperto López Rapporteur
  4. Gabriel de Arriba de la Fuente Rapporteur
  5. Maria del Carmen Sánchez González Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The progression of chronic kidney disease can affect functional capacity, mainly due to the increase in life expectancy (most of these patients have a advanced age, it should be remembered that age in itself is a factor of decreased functionality). On the other hand, there are a series of factors that will affect functionality, such as inflammation, uraemic status, genetics, associated comorbidities, the nutrition-inflammation binomial, lifestyle (sedentary/active), or the consumption of drugs, among others. These factors can have a negative influence on body composition, causing a decrease in lean mass, bone mass, changes in body water and its distribution. Together with the decrease in cardiorespiratory capacity (typical of advanced age), they will increase the risk of disability, being greater in elderly patients who do not perform, or previously performed, physical exercise on a regular basis. The decrease in functional capacity in chronic kidney disease (the main cause of which will be the decrease in muscle mass) can be observed in patients of any age, being a risk factor for mortality in young patients...