Nuevas metodologías sintéticas basadas en alquinos funcionalizadosaplicación a la obtención de carbazoles

  1. Martin Mejias, Irene
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Cristina Aragoncillo Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Pedro Almendros Requena Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 von Dezember von 2021

  1. Amparo Luna Costales Präsident/in
  2. José Miguel Alonso Gómez Sekretär/in
  3. José Cristóbal López Pérez Vocal
  4. Dionisia Sanz del Castillo Vocal
  5. Óscar Mauricio Bautista Aguilera Vocal

Art: Dissertation


In 1976, Koshar zwitterions were discovered remaining as a scientific curiosity for many years. Fortunatelly, in 2013 Yanai research group rediscovered them, optimizing their synthesis and studying their structure and properties in depth.This study contributed to our research group wondering how this molecule would behave with different unsaturated and heterocyclic systems, thanks to the easy in situ formation in solution of the Tf2C=CH2 molecule from the zwitterion.On the other hand, the development of new synthetic methodologies to obtain carbazoles has always been of great interest, because of their important and remarkable biological properties and their applications in Materials Chemistry. In fact, a large number of synthetic routes have been developed using the indole skeleton as starting material, through different types of carbocyclizations.Finally, transition metal catalyzed carbocyclization methodologies with halogen migration are less explored reactions. Interestingly, the halogens present in the starting material are re-integrated into the final product, which gives molecules with a great synthetic potential...