Análisis del fenómeno de las necesidades de información del profesorado de biblioteconomía y documentación en España

  1. messa cuaresma, francisco javier
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Carpallo Bautista Director
  2. Alicia Arias Coello Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 October 2021

  1. María Olivera Zaldúa Chair
  2. Antonia Salvador Benítez Secretary
  3. Fátima García López Committee member
  4. Esmeralda Serrano Mascaraque Committee member
  5. Francisco Javier García Marco Committee member

Type: Thesis


The objective of the doctoral thesis is to know the information needs of professors and researchers in area of Library and Information Science in the Spanish geography, as well as their informational behaviour and satisfaction.The methodology used is the Information Needs Model (NEIN), presented by Calva in 2004, and which consists of three phases: recognition of the need for information by the individual, informative behaviour of the subject to retrieve the information, order to apply it. generate knowledge and satisfaction with the result.Two methods have been used to carry out the research: the first of them has consisted of a search and exhaustive study of documents that address the information needs, from reflections on the need of individuals to obtain information and theoretical models, to the application of these. in different communities and different types of user groups. The second method is the collection of information between the professors of Library and Information Sciences. For this we use the tool known as a questionnaire, order to conduct a survey of this community of university professors. In this questionnaire, 9 large groups of subjects were presented with which an attempt was made to cover the entire spectrum of teaching and research in Library Science and Information Sciences and in which the teaching staff must recognize themselves in either of its two facets, the teaching. and research. 271 questionnaires were sent to the 15 faculties where these studies are taught in Spain, and we received 159 complete questionnaires...