Digitally supported internal market orientationantecedents, measurement, repercussions for organisational and business performance

  1. Kazakov, Sergey
unter der Leitung von:
  1. José Luis Ruiz de Alba Robledo Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. María del Mar Muñoz Martos Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Málaga

Fecha de defensa: 08 von Juli von 2021

  1. Guillermo José Bermúdez González Präsident/in
  2. Pablo Cabanelas Lorenzo Sekretär/in
  3. Anabela Soares Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 669653 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The present thesis depicts Internal Market Orientation (IMO) theory development conceptualisation with contemplation of new conditions, realities and technologies available to modern businesses in service industries. Grounded in the extant body of literature in the IMO domain (Lings, 2004; Gounaris, 2006, 2008; Lings and Greenley, 2009; Rodrigues and Carlos Pinho, 2012; Ruizalba et al., 2014; Edo et al., 2015), the motivation which drove this research project was to propose a novel IMO framework which reflected the noted global changes in economic and social environment affecting business organisations in a greater extent. In line with the above, the purpose of the research exhibited in this thesis is to develop and empirically validate a conceptual model of internal market orientation (iIMO). The iIMO model denotes the antecedents (organisational behaviour elements) of internal market orientation that activate its implementation in a firm. Besides, we contribute to the theory by introducing novelty iIMO variables, including Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Outsourced Personnel structural constructs. They avail to measure the effect of iIMO implementation on organisational and business performance. To accomplish the above-noted purpose of the study, we pose two key research questions that overarch our studies, namely (a) what are the antecedents of internal market orientation framework driven by information and communication technologies and applied in various settings?, and (b) how does the internal market orientation framework enforced by the information and communication technologies help organisations operating in various settings to support their organisational and business performance?. This thesis is comprised of a compendium of three publications that address the posed research questions. Grounded in the literature review, Publication 1 proposes a conceptual iIMO framework. In Publication 1, we introduce novelty structural constructs of ICT and outsourced personnel essential for the iIMO concept. Moreover, Publication 1 thoroughly delineates a methodological approach designated for empirical studies elucidated in Publications 2 and 3. In Publication 2, we examine the antecedents integrity of the iIMO concept and its effects on organisational performance. The iIMO framework was empirically investigated by surveying 316 SME employees using a multi-stage sampling procedure. The study results in Publication 2 determine the positive effects of iIMO implementation on the firms’ organisational performance. These findings demonstrate evidence of the suggested internal market orientation framework's capabilities to maintain organisational performance. The outcomes of the research also point to the iIMO benefits plausibility if firms implement this concept. The research presented Publication 3 investigates and elucidates business performance as an ultimate consequence of iIMO implementation. The viability of the iIMO model was verified following research by surveying 650 employees who represent 147 international organisations in the Russian Federation. The results of the study in Publication 3 additionally supported the viability of the developed iIMO framework. Moreover, the same study also affirmed the positive effects that iIMO implementation generates on a firm’s business performance. Our multi-phased research contributes to the extant marketing theory by discernment and justification of ICT embedment into the conventional antecedents of internal market orientation because ICTs can improve both organisational and business performance due to iIMO implementation in a firm.