Unidades fraseológicas y traducibilidadAnálisis contrastivo de equivalencias interlingüísticas en un corpus paralelo árabe-español, español-árabe

  1. Hussein Mohamed Elshazly, Ahmed
Dirixida por:
  1. Rosario González Pérez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 de setembro de 2017

  1. Luis Alberto Hernando Cuadrado Presidente/a
  2. M.ª Azucena Penas Ibáñez Secretario/a
  3. Jairo Javier García Sánchez Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Abstract Our work is inserted in the field of applied linguistics research, in this case, the phraseological contrast. Following the methodology of corpus linguistics, we performed a field study through a closed corpus. We approach the analysis of the phraseology in its broadest sense, including the contrast with the more peripheral UFs, such as paremias and routine formulas. We continue, in the use of the terminology on translation, mainly the works of Gerd Wotjak and Rosa Rabadán. This thesis proposes as a general objective the contrastive and synchronic analysis of the phraseological units (UFs) in Spanish and Arabic, from translated texts (five novels translated from Arabic into Spanish and three from Spanish into Arabic). Our starting hypothesis considers that the phraseology of Arabic and Spanish can be transferred to a large extent with satisfactory results (acceptability and adequacy between LO and LM), applying the operational concept of dynamic or communicative equivalence. This hypothesis is confirmed by the existence of phraseological units (UFs) in which a common conceptualization between the two languages ​​is reflected, especially when they are involved in the interlingual comparison of parts of the body (somatisms), but also in what refers to a similar worldview in many cultural and ideological aspects. The successful translation in written texts of the phraseological units from texts (TO) to meta (TM) texts, particularly in literary texts, demystifies the idea of ​​the untranslatability of these units giving a variety of satisfactory and communicatively appropriate phraseological solutions in the different levels of equivalence. As for the translation strategies, our work has allowed us to obtain the following results: total equivalence occurs mainly in the conceptual area of ​​somatic referents; the key procedure of translation by partial equivalence consists in the use of slight adjustments in the metaphorical referent, as a compensation strategy par excellence, also in this case is frequently the procedure that is called phraseological naturalization. With regard to zero equivalence, as an area especially suitable for the existence of phraseological gaps, it does not have to corroborate the old idea of ​​the impossibility of transference between languages, if one opts for substitutes, phraseological or not, communicatively acceptable in the target language. Finally, our work proves that the comparison of two parallel binomials of parallel texts constitutes a specific and reliable method to investigate the contrast between languages: in this study the method has shed light on the nature of the phraseological units in the two languages , which can be observed when comparing the translatological results of the two binomials in the final part of the conclusions.