Modelo para la gestión del riesgo asociado a los costes globales en fase de post construcción en edificios plurifamiliares destinados a arrendamiento

  1. Fernández de Valderrama Aparicio, Pedro
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Juan José Moyano Campos Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 19 von Oktober von 2015

  1. María Dolores Robador González Präsident/in
  2. Antonio Miguel Trallero Sanz Sekretär
  3. MIguel Manuel Gómez del Castillo Catalina Vocal
  4. Inmaculada Sánchez Ruiz de Valdivia Vocal
  5. Antonio Ramírez de Arellano Agudo Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 390746 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


Building costs in post-construction phase represent the main part of overall costs generated throughout its life-cycle. In order to obtain appropriate post-construction costs, it is essential to analyse characteristics and circumstances surrounding the building�s materialisation process in pre-construction phase. This work proposes a model of risk management applied to multifamily buildings to be leased. First, the model identifies the cause of increases in postconstruction costs so that their repercussions can be analysed and evaluated afterwards. Second, it is proposed a risk scale as well as a protocol to the application of the model. In the course of this research, experts have collaborated in the implementation of the model, likewise to obtain principal model�s parameters such as weighted variables over costs and risk severity levels. Techniques employed in enquiries have been the semi-structured interview, Delphi�s method for consensus of opinions and linear regression so as to associate different risk numerical values after applying the model with severity levels and then to obtain the risk scale.