Actitudes hacia la Igualdad en Adolescentes de Castilla-La Manchadiferencias según Género y Nacionalidad
- Rivas-Rivero, Esther
- Viuda-Serrano, Alejandro
- Checa-Romero, Mirian
ISSN: 0212-4068, 1989-9106
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Pages: 125-142
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de investigación educativa, RIE
Using a quantitative methodology and an ex-post-facto design, the present study analyzes the differences in the perception of gender roles assumed by teenage boys and girls, investigating their acceptance of gendered beliefs according to their country of origin. To do so, the study utilizes the Scale of Student Attitudes towards Gender Equality (García-Pérez et al., 2010) in a sample of 1,826 adolescents of different nationalities (of Spanish, non-Spanish European, Maghrebi, and Latin American origin) enrolled in Secondary Education Schools in Castilla- La Mancha. Results reveal that boys show a greater acceptance of these beliefs than girls, with significant differences in the three dimensions examined (sociocultural, relational, and personal facets). This willingness to accept gender roles is particularly conspicuous in the group of Latin American and Maghrebi male adolescents, whereas no relevant differences have been detected between women, who rather hold more egalitarian beliefs regardless of cultural origin.
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