La rodilla en el baile flamenco: prevalencia y factores implicados en las lesiones

  1. Juan Bosco Calvo Mínguez
La Investigación en Danza: MadridOnline 2020
  1. Inma Álvarez Puente (coord.)
  2. Carmen Giménez Morte (coord.)
  3. Raquel López Rodríguez (coord.)
  4. Miriam Martínez Costa (coord.)
  5. Virginia Soprano Manzo (coord.)

Publisher: Ediciones Mahali

ISBN: 978-84-946632-4-6

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 239-244

Congress: Congreso Nacional la Investigación en Danza (6. 2020. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


901 flamenco dancers (514 professionals and 387 students) have been studied from two perspectives: an analytical descriptive study of the consultations attended to this group and an observational cross-sectional study of members of important professional companies. While the patients seen in consultation for knee problems were 28.1% of the dancers: men (40%) more than women (25.5%), in the cross-sectional study by questionnaire they were 36.1% (40.8% of women and 25 % of men) who reported that they had suffered a knee problem. Most implicated factors: misalignments of the lower limb (femoral internal rotation/tibial external rotation), increased hours of dance, pelvic anteversion, and decreased ankle dorsiflexion. The prevalence of knee injuries is different depending on the type of study carried out, as well as on students or professionals, or by sex.