Sobre arquitectura (en el Pabellón de Barcelona). La exposición como forma de investigación

  1. Muñoz, Francisco
RA: revista de arquitectura

ISSN: 1138-5596

Ano de publicación: 2019

Título do exemplar: Architecture for Museums / Arquitectura para los museos (Pedro Ignacio Alonso Editor invitado / Guest Editor)

Número: 21

Páxinas: 156-167

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.15581/014.21.156-167 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: RA: revista de arquitectura

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Mies van der Rohe was thinking about architecture when in 1929 he designed the German Pavilion for the Barcelona World’s Fair, a building that set out to portray the new Weimar Republic. Without a programme as such, and with hardly any time, its ultimate purpose was to showcase itself as the culmination of a previously dormant research project studying a series of exhibition stands for German industry. It was a temporary museum for a new genre of architecture that depicted the myth of “permanent void” once it was disassembled, with fourteen images considered as examples of a new spatial arrangement. Barcelona City Council was thinking about architecture when it decided to reconstruct the Pavilion in the 1980s, while each year a call is made out to architects and artists to think about architecture by holding a series of temporary installations, highlighting the paradoxical value of the exhibited exhibitor and the (in)visible void ABOUT the key characteristics that (un)define it.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • CARTER, Peter, Mies van der Rohe at work, Nueva York, Phaidon Press Limited, 2006, p. 192, ISBN: 9780714898537.
  • EVANS, Robin, Traducciones, Gerona, Pre-textos, 2005, p. 312, ISBN: 9788481917178.
  • MERTINS, Detlef, Mies. London, Phaidon Press Limited, 2014. ISBN: 9780714839622.
  • NEUMEYER, Fritz, Mies van der Rohe: la palabra sin artificio. Reflexiones sobre arquitectura 1922-1968, Madrid, El Croquis, 2009. ISBN: 84-8838-608-7.
  • QUETGLAS, Joseph, El horror cristalizado. Imágenes del Pabellón de Alemania de Mies van der Rohe. Barcelona, Actar, 2001. p. 192, ISBN: 978-84-952-7352-9.
  • SOLÁ-MORALES, Ignasi; CICIRI, Cristian; RAMOS, Fernando, Mies van der Rohe. El Pabellón de Barcelona, Barcelona, Gustavo Gilí, 2002, p. 71, ISBN: 978-84-25216015.
  • VAN DER ROHE, Ludwig Mies, Escritos, Diálogos y Discursos, Murcia: Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos - Galeria-Libreria Yerba, 1981. 99p. (Colección de Arquitecturas; 1 - Dir. Marcia Codinachs, Jose Quetglas y Jose Mª. Torres); ISBN: 84-500-5001-4.