Menos es másMies y la construcción paradójica de la arquitectura moderna
ISSN: 2254-7673
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 15-16
Pages: 83-98
Type: Article
More publications in: Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación
In the growing complexity of reality, "less is more" represents, not so much an ascetic reaction to life, but a sense of it from the paradox. Free floor, curtain wall, mobile parti-tion, are echoes of these aporetic relations present in the modern project as a product of the conscious dissolution of the marked boundaries and their differences. However "less is more" also contains a radicality only possible from the confrontation of these two opposite terms. This balance of opposites is what crystallized in the work of Mies van der Rohe, going beyond his minimalist typecasting, which concealed an approach close to a paradoxical construction of modern architecture. Understanding this premise will help to broaden the focusof the supposed coherence that existed in the creative process of that key period in the history of architecture, unfinished until the present moment and will open the door to expand from hermeneutics to a more pluralistic ap-proach the contemporary architectural production.
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