De Zaragoza a Murcia y DamascoPerspectivas ampliadas sobre los Banu Hud (ss. XI-XIII)

  1. González Artigao, Aurora
Supervised by:
  1. María Isabel Fierro Bello Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 08 April 2022

  1. Alejandro García San Juan Chair
  2. J. Santiago Palacios Ontalva Secretary
  3. Marta García Novo Committee member
  4. Elena de Jesús de Felipe Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Luis Molina Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis


This work is a diachronic case study focused on an Andalusi lineage: the Banū Hūd, whose history extends throughout three centuries (11th-13th) and different geographical areas, starting with the Upper Border of al-Andalus. The analysis tries to cluster different periods of this lineage’s history, paying attention to the way in which the narrative sources reflect the family members’ political and religious formulations in fields as genealogy, legitimacy or religious doctrines. The main purpose of this study is to understand how diverse and complex visions surrounding the Banū Hūd were created. How the narratives regarding this lineage were generated and transmitted. In addition, specific attention is paid to the transmission of the Hūdid memory from the 11th century to later ager, such as the 16th century