Proyecto Prendeplataforma de rehabilitación energética de distritos urbanos eficientes

  1. Tordera, Laura
  2. Fernández, Bárbara
  3. Diego, Maite de
  4. Caballero, M. Ángeles
  5. Soutullo, Silvia
  6. Giancola, Emanuela
  7. Ferrer, José A.
  8. Franco, José Miguel
  9. Fúster Rufilanchas, Almudena
  10. García-Ochoa, Cristina
Greencities & sostenibilidad: Málaga, 2-3 oct 2014 : inteligencia aplicada a la sostenibilidad urbana : comunicaciones y 2ª bienal de proyectos de edificación y urbanismo sostenible

Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Málaga

ISBN: 978-84-697-0799-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 648-658

Congress: Greencities & sostenibilidad (5. 2014. Málaga)

Type: Conference paper


PRENDE Project involves the creation of a citizen-oriented service offered by accessible and easy to use ICT tools that will be used to provide information and raise awareness among neighbourhood residents to improve energy efficiency by means of buildings renovation and best practices recommendation. The main challenge PRENDE is tackling is to involve citizens on the renovation process, raising awareness on the needs and benefits related to the energy efficiency improvement of their dwellings, neighbourhoods and cities. Until recently, common campaigns techniques have been used with little success. PRENDE addresses these difficulties developing and implementing a holistic methodology, based on aspects from several disciplines so as to execute a dynamic communication strategy totally focused on citizens. This methodology allows generating a communication plan based on non-conventional actions and means which are monitored by indicators designed to that effect. The implementation of this kind of actions within the field of renovation and energy efficiency as well as the measurement and characterization of the results mean a change on this kind of campaigns and an innovation on the buildings renovation sector. PRENDE service is based on ICT tools through the development of a web platform which innovative aspect is the system software architecture, the information that will be offered as well as the techniques used to promote the service. The architecture will have access to original or previously calculated data and based on the user requirements it will generate, on an acceptable response time, new calculations that consider the surroundings as well as parameters that have been generated on previous simulations. This platform aims at being the reference site to obtain relevant information regarding energy efficiency issues. It will be possible to consult from laws and subsidies to related events and simulation tools that qualitatively evaluate the improvement on the energy performance of a dwelling and recommend the best option for its renovation. Good practices and tips will also be given so as to orientate citizens on the improvement of their energy consumption habits.