Hallazgo renal infrecuente en una paciente con anemia y pérdida de pesoDiagnóstico: pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa

  1. F.J. Azpeitia-Hernández 1
  2. P. Vallejo-Desviat 2
  3. R. Castro-Valdés 3
  4. P. Molina López-Nava 2
  5. F. Soriano Navarro 1
  1. 1 Teniente médico interno residente. Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico. Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla. Madrid. España
  2. 2 Coronel médico. Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico. Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla. Madrid. España
  3. 3 Médico adjunto. Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico. Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla. Madrid. España
Sanidad militar: revista de sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España

ISSN: 1887-8571

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 78

Issue: 4

Pages: 279-280

Type: Article

More publications in: Sanidad militar: revista de sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España


57-year-old woman with autism spectrum disorder and secondary epileptic seizures. A CT of abdomen is requested due to anemia and weight loss. The patient did not refer urinary symptoms. She was admitted four months to Internal Medicine Service, due to urinary sepsis, where Morganela morgani was isolated, and bacteremia, with Staphylococcus epidermidis isolation. In the CT performed, we found an increase in the size of the right kidney, with loss of corticomedullary differentiation and replacement of a destroyed renal parenchyma by low-attenuation masses that corresponds to the dilated calyces. A staghorn stone with involvement of the peripelvic fat was also described.

Bibliographic References

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