Eliminando estereotipos, uniendo espacios y comprendiendo vidasexperiencia de la Universidad de Alcalá en el sur de Marruecos

  1. Eugenia Moya Palomares
Cuadernos del Instituto Ikeda

ISSN: 2660-8375 2660-7999

Any de publicació: 2020

Títol de l'exemplar: Primer año, primera edición

Número: 1

Pàgines: 57-68

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Cuadernos del Instituto Ikeda


Nowadays we are more aovare that we live in a globalized world in which there are big economic, social and environmental inequalities. lmmersed in this reality, the university, as an active agent of social change, must contribute to create possibilities to alleviate these inequalities. In this sense, a group of teachers and students from the University of Alcalá are working on new ways of learning and making it possible not only to enhance the learning included in university curricula, but also to work on learning universal values (Declaration of Human Rights). On the other hand, and no less importantly, through the example we present below and whose practical part is developed in the south of Morocco, scientific, multidisciplinary and integrative studies are released, which are made up of a basic tool for development and cooperation between countries and societies where the university, as an educational institution with a social function, has an important role to play.