El proceso de adquisición/ aprendizaje de los conectores discursivos por parte de estudiantes árabes (tunecinos) de español como lengua extranjera

Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Martí Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 05 May 2023

  1. Rosa Ana Martín Vegas Chair
  2. Ana María Ruiz Martínez Secretary
  3. Manuel Sevilla Muñoz Committee member
  1. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Type: Thesis


This thesis is an investigation that studies the process and acquisition of discursive connectors by Tunisian students of Spanish as a foreign language, diagnosing their state and detecting the different failures and problems that hinder this process. It is structured in three different blocks. In the first, the state of the question is investigated in which second language acquisition theories and the different proposals associated with them are examined. Point followed, we address the concept of the interlanguage of the foreign learner and with it, the different factors that condition the process of language acquisition and learning. Then we dedicate the last section to the notion of communicative competence in which we present an adapted model that unites the proposal of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (2002, 2021) and that of Escandell (2004). In the second, we deal with discursive markers and connectors. We begin with a historical journey from the first attempts to treat these discursive units in the old grammar books to their classification by experts in the field. The proposal of Martí Sánchez (2013a) is the one followed in this thesis, and based on it these units are analysed. In the third and last block, in order to explore the state of acquisition of discursive connectors by our students of Spanish as a foreign language, we undertake an exploratory investigation that presents a quantitative-qualitative analysis based on real samples aimed at students and professors of Spanish as a foreign language. Based on this, we diagnose the process of learning discursive connectors and identify the different errors that prevented these learners from reaching a mastery of discursive connectors and with it, discursive competence. Faced with this situation, in the conclusions we present a balance in which we recapitulate the steps of this investigation and offer a final reflection to remedy the limitations regarding the domain of discursive connectors. For this task, educational translation can offer solutions to the problems and failures identified during this process.