Restitución Paramétrica de ilustraciones residenciales del pintor surrealista Roberto Matta

  1. Rodrigo García-Alvarado 1
  2. Ernesto Echeverria-Valiente 2
  3. Flavio Celis-Damico 2
  4. Pedro Soza-Ruiz 3
  5. Hernán Barría-Chateau 1
  1. 1 Universidad del Bío-Bío

    Universidad del Bío-Bío

    Concepción, Chile


  2. 2 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


  3. 3 Universidad de Chile

    Universidad de Chile

    Santiago de Chile, Chile


Arte, individuo y sociedad

ISSN: 1131-5598

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 35

Issue: 4

Pages: 1291-1309

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/ARIS.87629 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Arte, individuo y sociedad


The surrealist painter Roberto Matta began his artistic career after studying architecture in Chile and working with Le Corbusier in Paris in the 1930s, a period in which he produced some unique residential illustrations. This work presents a review and geometric interpretation of these images to understand their characteristics and possibilities. Backgrounds of the realization of it are reviewed, and a register of elements and three-dimensional parametric modeling of the elements and spatial organiza-tion of the illustrations are developed, interpreting their configuration and connection with architectural aspects. A three-dimensional restitution is elaborated based on the perspective interpretation of the images, and a parametric programming of the geometry of the objects and environments, which allows reconstituting views similar to the images, as well as generating new views, routes and configurations. The parametric restitution of these images reveals formal possibilities that show a spatial definition related to an emotional questioning of housing design, expressing an early alternative to modern housing development.

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