Subsistence intensification: the molluscs from the Chácara I sector at Ligüiqui (Manabí Province, Ecuador, AD 12th-15th centuries)

  1. Víctor F. Vásquez Sánchez
  2. Teresa E. Rosales Tham
  3. Manuel Castro Priego
  4. Lauro Olmo Enciso
  5. Juan A. Jijón-Porras
  6. Marcos O. Labrada-Ochoa
  7. Arturo Morales Muñiz
Animals and humans through time and space: investigating diverse relationships
  1. Pöllath, Nadja (coord.)
  2. Battermann, Nora (coord.)
  3. Goebel, Veronika (coord.)
  4. Emra, Stephanie
  5. Paxinos, Ptolemaios Dimitrios (coord.)
  6. Schwarzenberger, Martina (coord.)
  7. Trixl, Simon (coord.)
  8. Zimmermann, Michaela (coord.)

Éditorial: Verlag Marie Leidorf

ISBN: 978-3-89646-700-3

Année de publication: 2023

Pages: 407-426

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage