Linear and non-linear dynamics between exchange rates and stock markets returns: an application to the financial crises of Europe and Asia in the nineties

  1. Climent Diranzo, Francisco José
  2. Miguel Colom, Maria del Mar de
  3. Olmeda Martos, José Ignacio
Review of Financial Markets

Year of publication: 2004

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 19-48

Type: Article


The recent crises of the nineties have made it clear that the links between exchange rates and stock market prices are relevant factors in the transmission of the crises. Using daily exchange rates and stock index prices of the last decade (1990-1999) the interactions between the stock market and exchange rates returns of twenty-three countries of two different geographical areas (Asia and Europe) are analysed. Our results suggest that: (i) short term relationships seem to be more relevant than long term ones, (ii) it is more relevant the presence of linear and nonlinear causality in the Asian countries, and (iii) the periods of crisis affect asymmetrically the relationship between exchange rates and stock market prices.