Modelo RISE (Ruta de innovación y sostenibilidad empresarial) para analizar la felicidad en el trabajo

  1. Ramírez Salazar, María del Pilar 1
  2. Perez Uribe, Rafael 2
  3. Moscoso Duran, Fabio 3
  1. 1 Universidad EAN

    Universidad EAN

    Bogotá, Colombia


  2. 2 Universidad Santo Tomás

    Universidad Santo Tomás

    Santiago de Chile, Chile


  3. 3 Florida-UNAD
Revista Estrategia Organizacional

ISSN: 2539-2786 2339-3866

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Pages: 91-108

Type: Article

DOI: 10.22490/25392786.7232 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Estrategia Organizacional


Introduction: Between 2017 and 2021, the RISE model (Route of innovation and business sustainability) structured by the "research group in management of large, small and medium-sized companies (G3PYMES) of the EAN University" (Perez-Uribe and Ramírez-Salazar, 2020), has been applied in 106 organizations of different sizes and economic sectors in Colombia. Taking into account the application of RISE in this number of companies, the following research question arises: ¿Which variables best explain happiness at work and on which a mánager should concentrate his efforts mainly to develop this variable? Methodology: this paper presents the analysis of the variables in the light of the RISE model, which best explain happiness at work in Colombian companies. The data of the 106 organizations "were processed with the statistical package Statgraphic centurión XVI, using factorial analysis using multiple regression" (Pérez - Uribe, 2012). Results: three (3) variables of the 48 that make up the model were obtained, which explain between 46.95% and 48.45% the managerial decision to strengthen happiness at work to generate a harmonious organizational culture that facilitates the achievement of organizational goals.

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