Los itinerarios optativosuna oportunidad de participación e innovación docente

  1. Esperanza González Redondo
Docentes y estudiantes dialogando: hacia una comprensión de la participación en la universidad
  1. Cristina Canabal García (dir.)
  2. Gloria Nogueiras Redondo
  3. María Dolores García Campos

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá

ISBN: 978-84-15834-56-4

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 133-144

Type: Book chapter


Optional lines, an opportunity to participation and innovation is presented as an innovation exercise based upon the experience acquired in the Máster en Docencia Universitaria. Participation, new learning strategies and daily teaching experiences are considered as a new and optional subject in fourth course in Architecture will be offered. This paper will focused on three main aspects: 1. the optional lines as an opportunity to participation and innovation, 2. a new subject main purpose and 3. The experience inferred throughout an innovation learning exercise. It includes 9 steps, the seven first ones are developed in class and the last two ones will be carried out along the year under teacher supervision. The standpoints are the following; critical analysis, corrections, exposition and evaluation. Students must do a Course work which will be made rotated among all students. Finally they will evaluate the quality and utility of the innovation practiced. Results are shown and the success of the exercise is considered to be applied to different situations.