Coordinación docentemetodología, integración y transversalidad. Aplicación en la titulación de ingeniería de edificación
- Fernando da Casa Martín 1
- Antonio Baño Nieva 1
- Javier Temiño Vela 1
- Francisco Maza Vázquez 1
- Juan Manuel Vega Ballesteros 1
Universidad de Alcalá
- Cristina Canabal García (dir.)
- Gloria Nogueiras Redondo
- María Dolores García Campos
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá
ISBN: 978-84-15834-56-4
Year of publication: 2013
Pages: 551-556
Type: Book chapter
This paper presents the results of the Teaching Innovation Project, UAH/EV580 code, which develop the group’s actions Grade Teacher Coordination in Building Engineering of the University of Alcalá, whose implementation raises the opportunity to implement a coordination system and resolve problems identified in the previous degree and to identify and solve new problems. With these premises and within this coordination were established for this year 2012/13 a number of objectives set out in the document, together with the methodology of analysis of the problems detected, and the actions taken and conclusions the activities carried out. It also presents the improvement actions for future courses in order to achieve integrated coordination degree.