Diarrea del viajero

  1. I.E. Blasco
  2. M. Comanda
  3. M. Gómez Caraballo
  4. Juan Cuadros González dir.
Experiencia de innovación docente [1]: colección de revisiones de enfermedades infecciosas emergentes y reemergentes
  1. Juan Cuadros González (dir.)
  2. M. Isabel Gegúndez Cámara (dir.)
  3. Consuelo Giménez Pardo (dir.)
  4. M. Rosario González Palacios (dir.)
  5. Lourdes Lledó García (dir.)
  6. Juan Romanyk (dir.)
  7. José Vicente Saz Pérez (dir.)

Argitaletxea: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá

ISBN: 978-84-16599-10-3

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Orrialdeak: 445-462

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


Travelers’ diarrheas incidence has increased over the recent years. In this paper we discuss which are the main etiological agents, mainly bacterias, their geographic distribution and new diagnostic methods. New discoveries have been made regarding susceptibility towards travelers’ diarrhea, both individual and related to the trip destination. Also, we describe the main sequelae of TD: reactive arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and post-infectious irri- table bowel syndrome. Furthermore we describe TD prevention (sanitation, chemoprophylaxis and vaccines) and its treatment, emphasizing risk groups such as children and immunocompro- mised individuals.