Meningitis linfocitarias atípicas

  1. María Elena Martín Bejerano
  2. Alberto Mencía Altozano
  3. Beatriz Rosique Gómez
  4. Paula Saiz Gil
  5. Irene Villarino Hita
  6. María Isabel Gegúndez Cámara
Experiencia de innovación docente 2: colección de revisiones de enfermedades infecciosas emergentes y reemergentes
  1. Cuadros González, Juan (dir.)
  2. Gegúndez Cámara, María Isabel (dir.)
  3. Florido Calleja, María Jesús (ed. lit.)
  4. Consuelo Giménez Pardo (dir.)
  5. María Rosario González Palacios (dir.)
  6. Lourdes Lledó García (dir.)
  7. Juan Romanyk (dir.)
  8. José Vicente Saz Pérez (dir.)

Argitaletxea: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá

ISBN: 9788416599493

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Orrialdeak: 31-48

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


In recent decades they have emerged in our vector-borne neurotropic viruses, causing lymphocytic meningitis, and meningoencephalitis. These atypical meningitis are usually aseptic and self-limiting. Among these viruses, West Nile virus reservoir is birds and it is transmitted to humans by the bite of sand flies. Outbreaks occur mainly in the Mediterranean basin. Usutu virus is also an avian zoonosis transmitted by mosquito bite. Unlike them, the lymphocytic choriomeningitis Virus is transmitted through contact with contaminated fomites or inhalation of aerosols contaminated with rodent droppings. Finally we discuss about the Virus Toscana that occurs mainly in Italy and Portugal, and Granada Virus which is a variant of Toscana Virus found in Spain. They are transmitted by the bite of sandflies and both have the same characteristics. We will discuss in more detail the characteristics of these four viruses.