Clinical and genetic factors involved in Porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder after oxaliplatin exposure

  1. Puente, A.
  2. Fortea, J.I.
  3. Del Pozo, C.
  4. Serrano, M.
  5. Alonso-Peña, M.
  6. Giráldez, A.
  7. Tellez, L.
  8. Martinez, J.
  9. Magaz, M.
  10. Ibañez, L.
  11. Garcia, J.
  12. Llop, E.
  13. Alvarez-Navascues, C.
  14. Romero, M.
  15. Rodriguez, E.
  16. Arias Loste, M.T.
  17. Antón, A.
  18. Echavarria, V.
  19. López, C.
  20. Albillos, A.
  21. Hernández-Gea, V.
  22. Garcia-Pagán, J.C.
  23. Bañares, R.
  24. Crespo, J.
Digestive and Liver Disease

ISSN: 1878-3562 1590-8658

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 56

Issue: 10

Pages: 1721-1729

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.DLD.2024.04.010 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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