Café del Príncipe, the Expansion of the Coliseo del Príncipe in MadridFrom Villanueva’s Drawings to Mariátegui’s Project

  1. Carlos Villarreal Colunga 1
  2. Ángel Martínez Díaz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Madrid, España


Graphic horizons
  1. Luis Hermida González (ed. lit.)
  2. João Pedro Xavier (ed. lit.)
  3. Jose Pedro Sousa (ed. lit.)
  4. Vicente López-Chao (ed. lit.)

Argitaletxea: Springer Nature Switzerland AG

ISBN: 978-3-031-57579-2

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Bolumenaren izenburua: Graphics for Knowledge

Alea: 3

Orrialdeak: 154-163

Biltzarra: Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (20. 2024. Porto)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


This article reports on a research project on the Café del Príncipe, a building linked to the theatre of the same name in Madrid, and currently called Teatro Español. Built on a site adjoining the theatre building, Juan de Villanueva conceived it with a dual use, as a service space for the stage box on the one hand, and as a café or botillería on the other. Thanks to the documentation work carried out, it has been possible to rescue an unpublished project by Mariátegui and to date the construction origin of the building itself, taking it back to the last decade of the 18th century and not to the reconstruction of the theatre after the fire of 1802, as was usually attributed.